Student Engagement

Student Engagement

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Mount Clear Primary School implements, 'School Wide Positive Behaviour Support.' This proactive strategy supports a whole school approach to creating and maintaining a safe, secure, and nurturing learning environment.  Our Student Engagement Policy reflects the very positive approach we have in our school towards all aspects of our students learning and development.  Our curriculum programs focus on fostering the social, emotional, physical and academic  development and wellbeing of all students.  A feature of our teaching and learning is the integration of ICTs and the provision of a range of portable devices so our students may access ICT anywhere, anytime. 

Our programs promote the development of appropriate patterns of behaviour with an emphasis on self discipline, positive self esteem, communication and building effective relationships. Mount Clear Primary School is a You Can Do It! school and as such, we embrace the Five Foundations (Keys) for Achievement and Social-Emotional Well-Being including: Getting Along, Confidence, Resilience, Organisation and Persistence. We consider the five foundations and the teaching of positive habits of the mind as integral to our students' success and a feature of our school culture. We also have a school wellbeing officer as part of the national chaplaincy program providing additional support.

